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Experience the move of GOD
Experience the move of GOD.
Did you know? Everything that GOD made is doing what GOD said to do, except man. Fish swim in water, birds fly in the air, beasts made their home in the wilderness, the stars obey GOD, the moon lights the night, and the sun shines in the day.
GOD made man to have dominion over every living thing that moves on the earth. Man’s disobedience has been transferred into the church. For whatever reason we don’t want to submit to the will of GOD. I Samuel 15:22 says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
True worshippers in spirit and truth
True worshippers can ONLY worship in spirit (only if they have GOD’s spirit because He is a spirit) and truth (honesty). “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. GOD is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.” John 4:23:24
Men’s Fellowship
Every godly man represents GOD to his family
Men’s Fellowship
Priest, Provider, Protector - Every Godly Man represents GOD to his family. “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3.
Godly men are priests, providers, protectors, and kings of their homes. Men are the glory of GOD and were made in His image. Men have relinquished their right, power, and responsibility of what GOD the Creator intended.
Women’s Fellowship
A woman of virtue is rare.
Women’s Fellowship
Our Focus is Prayer. A Woman of Virtue is Rare. She is trustworthy and constant in her love, Industrious, Thrifty and Self-Starting; Enterprising, Willing to do hard work; Willing to work long hours; and Willing to do monotonous work.
She is compassionate and she is prepared for the future. She is a good seamstress and married to a Leader. She is an entrepreneur. She is not swayed by circumstances. A Woman of Virtue is wise and kind. She is duty conscious, blessed by her family, not satisfied with mediocre.
A Woman of Virtue is a Woman of GOD and praiseworthy.
Youth Ministry
Our Youth’s future is bright!
Youth Ministry
Experience creative Bible Lessons and Activities. Our Youth’s future is Bright! Today, these Young Leaders remember their Creator! Join us for a life-changing year of Biblical learning, worship, serving and fun.
Sunday School
Interactive Bible study for all ages
Sunday School
Bring your child to Sunday School and invite a friend! Most of our children attend public schools five days a week. Sunday School is a great opportunity for them to come and learn about the character of Jesus Christ and how to apply it to their life.
This interactive Bible study encourages participation and life application for all ages.
Singles Ministry
Service Over Self
Service Over Self. What a great opportunity to share the love of Christ and hope with others.
Singles can do more for GOD! 1 Corinthians 7:32 says, “….He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord:”
What a blessing! Whether you clean the streets or the church, witness or serve, visit the shut in or pray for the sick…..Whatever you do for Christ will last. You play such an important part in this body! Let’s get in the flow of what GOD is saying. He is looking for WILLING WORKERS. Someone needs to see Jesus and you might be the only ambassador they witness.
Matthew 23:11 says, “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”
Life Skills
Family Life Conference
Life Skills
There are new and exciting things being planned for this year’s Annual Family Life Conference! You won’t want to miss the invaluable information that will enhance your daily life and lifestyle.