Leadership, our Pastor…
SPEAKS WORDS OF LIFE. These words set people and families free from the bondage and degradation of sin. Words were important from the beginning. We determine our destiny through our words. GOD is the commander of our faith and life. Our Pastor speaks and prophesies what GOD says about us and confirms what GOD wants to do. He teaches that our spirit is the dominant force that rules our soul.
LOVES. He leads the congregation by precept and example. GOD is love and love conquers all negativity which casts out all fear and defeat. Love sees the best in us and knows our destiny before we were formed in or mother’s womb. GOD loves us so much that He sent His Son to take the penalty of sin for the entire world. Love never fails and never fades away. There is nothing in the devil’s arsenal that can combat love.
PRAYS. These effective prayers reveal the power of GOD through signs, miracles and wonders. The move of GOD begins with prayer. Lives have been transformed, raised from the dead, devils cast out, healed and financially prosperous because of the Spirit of GOD honoring His man servant’s prayers. To GOD be the glory.
Humbly so, the GLORY OF THE LORD is present in our services where GOD reveals Himself. Attendees are overwhelmed by the goodness of GOD which has led many to repentance. We are so very grateful to have a great leader who fears GOD and qualifies according to the Word of GOD in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1.